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we’re better in community

Our communities need more 

high school graduates 

with an entrepreneurial mindset.

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Do you dream of starting your own business but feel like school, homework, and a busy schedule leave no room for big ideas?


High School Startup is an approachable and realistic guide for everyday students who want to turn their passions into profits. Whether you’re a total beginner or already experimenting with small ventures, this book provides step-by-step advice to help you launch a business while balancing school life.

Inside, you’ll discover:

  • An approachable summary of each step of the startup process – from finding the perfect business idea to scaling your venture.
  • Costs involved with each step, including practical lists of affordable resources.
  • Real stories, tips, and mistakes from a fellow high school entrepreneur.
  • Practical strategies for managing time, staying resilient, and handling challenges.
  • Resources to take a deeper dive into each step if you want to learn more.

High School Startup gives all students the essential tools to start a business. Published in English and Spanish, it breaks down the barriers to entry. It’s your roadmap to building confidence, sharpening skills, and embracing an entrepreneurial mindset that will last a lifetime.

Start a business today – your entrepreneurial mindset will change the world! 

Connection is important

Why Launch – fostering an entrepreneurial mindset.


Join me as I chat with industry professionals, delve into research and literature, share my own start-up journey, and launch a student community.


Want to contribute? I’d love to hear from you.

-Griffin Connolly

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We’re better in community – reach out!

“It's the people that make a community an entrepreneurial one - not the location - and it's up to you to contribute.”

Brad Feld / Co-Founder at Foundry Group